Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"You try to work for people You let the people down." -Dorothea Lasky, from Black Life


I went out to the field

where I once saw

hundreds of elephants

galloping around like

wild horses

to try to join them

once I got close enough

I noticed that these weren’t

regular sized elephants

they were the size

of stuffed toy elephants

I managed to touch one

as it galloped by and it felt

like a stuffed toy elephant

I began to feel like a child

again so I grabbed a few

of them and began squeezing them

and throwing them in the air

and laughing hysterically

when I finally became aware

of my surroundings again

I noticed all the little elephants

had stopped dead in the field

some on their sides and backs

I walked around and picked up

a few but they remained lifeless

a cool breeze came over the field

and it seemed like something

had its breath taken away

still determined to join them

I fell to the ground on my side

and tried to stop breathing

been here ever since

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