Monday, September 27, 2010

"I had until seven to find the human in me, to teach him to walk and talk, and maybe even to care." -James Tate, from The Ghost Soldiers


I told a joke at work, and a few people began laughing, quietly, at it. I felt embarrassed, because I had told them that it was the most incredible joke I had ever heard. I could tell they were laughing with disdain, truly disappointed at the lack of punch in the joke. After everyone had slunk off to do their work, I went back to my office, and began working also. A few minutes later, I heard knocking on my door, and my boss entered my office. Dallas, we need to have a word she said. I looked at my computer screen for a moment, and nodded. Ok I said. I got up from my desk, and we walked down the long corridor of cubicles, to her office, at the other end of the building. She closed the door behind her. Dallas, it’s come to my attention that you’ve told a joke again she said. I let out a burst of nervous laughter. Well, er, yes I said. I was told that you were of the impression that it was the most incredible joke that you had ever heard she said. I shrugged. Yes, although, now, after having told it, I may reconsider I said. Tell me the joke she said. I told the joke, laughing like an imbecile once I was finished. My boss just stared at me, stone-faced, shaking her head slowly. That really was bad she said. I’m sorry I said. This is bad for company morale, you can’t tell jokes like that to anybody, ever, anymore she said. I looked down at my feet. Nobody at work ever got me, or my humor. I was selling out comedy shows across the nation, and these zombies still wouldn’t laugh. I walked back to my office, a low moaning following me, my undead boss slowly following, my other undead coworkers following suit. I shut my office door behind me, locked it, and set a laughing track on at full volume. It drowned out their screaming, moaning, and the strange gurgling noise they always seemed to make. They scratched violently at the door. I hoped I would make it out that day, like I hoped every day.

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