Thursday, September 16, 2010

"I found and started destroying everything secretly." -Matthew Zapruder, from American Linden


It looks like I’m getting out of bed. It appears that I’m putting on my slippers, and that my toes are wiggling in the warmth of my slippers. How delightful! It’s of the appearance that I’m standing up now, and walking, even. All of this amuses me greatly, because look at me go! It’s really something or another. It seems like I’m cooking some eggs for breakfast now, and I can’t contain it anymore. Wheeee! Listen, it sounds as if I’m snarling now. I must be some sort of wild animal! It feels like there’s fur growing out of my back, and it feels like I’m hunching over into a ball, and it feels like my cry is turning into a long moan. It looks like I’m attacking the town square, now, and it sounds as if I’m gnashing my teeth and yelling scientists, scientists everywhere! All of this appears to me, like when I was a child and sat on a branch in my tree, and the roof collapsed.

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