Monday, September 6, 2010

"Give us the man suit, Carlos. Just give us the man suit." -Zachary Schomburg, from The Man Suit


I got up for work, and noticed a small goat standing at the foot of my bed. It looked quite friendly, with its little beard, so I wasn’t afraid. I went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth, and when I returned to my bedroom, another goat had joined the first goat. They both looked towards me and made eye contact with me. I made a nervous laugh, and began getting dressed, consciously covering up my body to the goats. When I went into the kitchen, the two goats followed me, close to my heels. In the kitchen, two more goats were standing by the refrigerator. A third was by the sink. Five goats in total, all exactly identical to one another, with their small beards and off-white hair. One bleated to another, and the other bleated in reply. Another began bleating, and so did another. Soon enough, I had five bleating goats in my kitchen, all slowly advancing on me. I ran outside, where I found four more goats chewing on my front lawn, all startled at my sudden appearance. They began chasing me with the others. This continued with every corner I turned. More goats, a huge drove of goats building behind me, chasing me, close to my heels. They eat everything in sight. I wish I could call myself their master, but these goats don’t take orders like that. These goats are an army, a precise destructive force, all on a mission, and I’m just leading them astray.

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